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Columbia County schools lifting mask requirement for some



AUGUSTA, Ga. – Many teachers and students will have the option to wear a mask in its last five days of school next week. Superintendent Dr. Steven Flynt released a letter Friday afternoon giving the option in most school settings.

“Based upon guidance from the Centers for Disease and Control, Columbia County School District will allow fully-vaccinated individuals the option of wearing a face covering for the remainder of the school year with the exception of all individuals on a school bus,” Flynt wrote.

Schools will continue to have hand-sanitizing stations, Plexiglass dividers in school cafeterias, bipolar ionization systems and daily sanitizing throughout buildings.

Cases of the virus have steadily decreased in the school system since a surge after Christmas break. This week’s report showed 10 cases throughout the district’s 32 schools.

The statement from Flynt comes after parents gathered at the Board of Education meeting Tuesday night asking that the mandate be lifted.

