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Burke County Sheriff’s Office gets Plant Vogtle grant money



WAYNESBORO, Ga. – The Burke County Sheriff’s Office has received the second installment of a grant from Plant Vogtle.

In 2019, the sheriff’s agency announced and received an installment of the $500,000 grant provided by the nuclear power plant.

The agency announced this week the second installment of that grant. The funding was provided by various partners to include Georgia Power, Bechtel Power Co. and the Nuclear Power Labor-Management Cooperation Committee Trust.

“During past safety meetings with Plant Vogtle administration, it was decided that increased enforcement combined with marketing and education along with new roadway signage were immediate needs, followed by various other studies and potential solutions to the nearby roadways,” the sheriff’s agency said in a statement. “The grant provided by these community partners have certainly assisted us with our efforts to meeting those needs.”

Money from the grant will continue to be used for:

  • Expanded deputy patrols on roadways around Plant Vogtle.
  • Increased law enforcement presence during all Vogtle shift changes, when the volume of traffic is at its highest.
  • Enhanced coordination between the sheriff’s agency and Vogtle security during shift changes, holidays, plant refueling outages and other events that impact normal traffic patterns and require increased enforcement.
  • Additional safe-driving education efforts both on site and in the surrounding communities.
  • Marketing and education initiatives.
  • Traffic safety and enforcement equipment.

